Medicaid Reform and Puerto Rico: A Fiscal and Public Health Disaster That Needs Federal Intervention December 16, 2022.
The Crisis in Puerto Rico Five Years After Hurricane Maria, New York Law Journal, October 13, 2022.
'Gasson': Second Circuit Adopts the Continuous Concealment Doctrine, New York Law Journal, August 26, 2022.
Recent Case Law Developments Concerning the Discharge Injunction, New York Law Journal, June 28, 2022.
Bankruptcy Code Section 523(a)(2)(A) and the Non-Dischargeability of a Claim for Knowingly Being a Transferee in an Intentional Fraudulent Conveyance Scheme, New York Law Journal, March 30, 2022.
Civil Contempt and the Bankruptcy Court's Authority to Incarcerate, New York Law Journal, February 10, 2022.
Puerto Rico Debt Crisis and the Political Status Issue, New York Law Journal, October 15, 2021.
The Biden Administration and Puerto Rico, New York Law Journal, February 10, 2021.
Justice Sotomayor, Denial of Democracy in Puerto Rico and FOMB, New York Law Journal, November 12, 2020.
The COVID-19 Pandemic and Revival of the Puerto Rican Economy, New York Law Journal, August 25, 2020.
Asset Protection, Pre-Bankruptcy Planning and Code §727(a)(2)(A), New York Law Journal, March 24, 2020.
The Limits of the Law and PROMESA, New York Law Journal, February 26, 2020.
Emotional Distress Damages and Bankruptcy Code §362(k)(1), New York Law Journal, December 05, 2019.
The Stabilization of the Government of Puerto Rico and PROMESA, New York Law Journal, August 02, 2019.
Puerto Rico's Corruption Scandal, Federal Funding and PROMESA, New York Law Journal,
July 15, 2019.
PROMESA's Unfulfilled Promise, New York Law Journal, March 22, 2019.
First Circuit Declares Appointment of FOMB Members Violates Appointments Clause,
New York Law Journal, March 01, 2019.
The Importance of Disinterestedness: PROMESA and McKinsey & Co., New York Law Journal, January 31, 2019.
PROMESA and McKinsey's Lack of Disinterestedness, New York Law Journal, January 07, 2019.
PROMESA, Feasibility and the Need for A Marshall Plan for Puerto Rico, New York Law Journal, October 25, 2018.
'In re DeFreze' and Non-Dischargeability of Debts Pertaining to Non-Filed and Late Filed Income Tax Returns, New York Law Journal, October 18, 2018.
Justice Scalia's Contributions to the Development of Bankruptcy Law, New York Law Journal, September 13, 2018.
Punitive Damages for Violations of the Automatic Stay: Bankruptcy Code 362(k), New York Law Journal, June 15, 2018.
Solow v. W.R. Grace & Co.' And the Rebuttable Presumption Test, New York Law Journal, March 13, 2018.
§362(k) and Damages for Willful Violations of the Automatic Stay; BANKRUPTCY, New York Law Journal, March 8, 2018.
'In re Ciarcia' and the Abuse of the Bankruptcy System; BANKRUPTCY, New York Law Journal, January 4, 2018.
Tuition Payments and Constructive Fraudulent Conveyance Law; BANKRUPTCY, New York Law Journal, December 7, 2017.
Intentional Fraudulent Conveyances and Bankruptcy Code §523(a)(2)(A), New York Law Journal, September 25, 2017.
Continuing Concealment Doctrine and Bankruptcy Code Section 727(a)(2)(A), New York Law Journal, July 26, 2017.
Crime-Fraud Exception and Intentional Fraudulent Conveyance Litigation, New York Law Journal, June 22, 2017.
Bankruptcy Code Section 548(c) And the Good Faith Defense; New York Law Journal, March 30, 2017.
Intentional Fraudulent Conveyance and The Badges of Fraud: 'Messer v. Chu', New York Law Journal, January 24, 2017.
Ownership of Legal Claims in a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Case, New York Law Journal, November 9, 2016.
Vacatur of a Default Judgment and Reasonable Excuse Requirement, New York Law Journal,
September 7, 2016.
Pleading Aiding and Abetting Fraud in Ponzi Scheme Cases, New York Law Journal,
June 24, 2016.
New York Default Judgments and Collateral Estoppel in Bankruptcy, New York Law Journal,
March 29, 2016.
Bankruptcy Code Section 1129, National Law Institute, March 2016.
Post Confirmation Issues in Chapter 11, National Law Institute, March 2016.
Collusive Property Settlements and Fraud in Divorce Actions, New York Law Journal February 19, 2016.
Ethics, Distressed Real Estate and Bankruptcy Law, National Law Institute, February 2016.
Bankruptcy Crimes, Lawline, February 2016.
Bankruptcy Code Section 365, Signature Bank, February 2016.
The Good Faith Requirement and Chapter 11, Signature Bank, February 2016.
Single Asset Real Estate Cases, Signature Bank, February 2016.
Cash Collateral, Signature Bank, February 2016.
Bankruptcy Code Section 364, Signature Bank, February 2016.
The Automatic Stay, Signature Bank, February 2016.
Bankruptcy Code Section 362(d), Signature Bank, February 2016.
Bankruptcy Code Section 1127, National Law Institute, June 2015.
Bankruptcy Code Section 1126, National Law Institute, June 2015.
Bankruptcy Code Section 1123, National Law Institute, June 2015.
Bankruptcy Code Sections 1122 and 1124, National Law Institute, June 2015.
Bankruptcy Code Section 1125, National Law Institute, June 2015.
Bankruptcy Code Section 1121, National Law Institute, June 2015.
A Lawyer’s Incessant Ethical Journey, Lawline, February 2015.
Bankruptcy Code Section 506, National Law Institute, December 2014.
Bankruptcy Code Section 1112(b), National Law Institute, December 2014.
Bankruptcy Code Section 1111(b), National Law Institute, December 2014.
The Automatic Stay: Part II, Lawline, June 2014.
The Automatic Stay: Part I, Lawline, May 2014.
Res Judicata, Collateral Estoppel, and the Rooker/Feldman Doctrine: Part II, Lawline February 2014.
Res Judicata, Collateral Estoppel, and the Rooker/Feldman Doctrine: Part I, Lawline February 2014.
Bankruptcy Code Section 523(a)(4): Part II, Lawline September 2013.
Bankruptcy Code Section 523(a)(4): Part I, Lawline August 2013.
Dischargeability of Debts and Real Estate Bankruptcies, National Law Institute July 2013.
The Trustee’s Avoiding Powers in Real Estate Bankruptcy Cases, National Law Institute July 2013.
Nonresidential Real Estate Leases and Bankruptcy Code Section 365, National Law Institute July 2013.
Miscellaneous Topics in Real Estate Bankruptcy Cases, National Law Institute July 2013.
Bankruptcy Code Section 363 Sales, National Law Institute July 2013.
Selected Regulatory and Environmental Issues in Bankruptcy Real Estate Cases,
National Law Institute July 2013.
Bankruptcy Code Section 362(d): Modification of the Automatic Stay in Bankruptcy Real Estate Cases, Marc Israel CLE February 2013.
Bankruptcy Code Section 364(d): Post-Petition Financing in Real Estate Bankruptcy Cases,
Marc Israel CLE February 2013.
Serial Bankruptcy Filers and the Automatic Stay in Real Estate Bankruptcy Cases, Marc Israel CLE February 2013.
Good Faith and Real Estate Chapter 11 Cases, Marc Israel CLE February 2013.
Bankruptcy and Real Estate: the Use of Cash Collateral, Marc Israel CLE February 2013.
Single Asset Real Estate Cases and Chapter 11, Marc Israel CLE February 2013.
Bankruptcy Court Jurisdiction-In re Bellingham, Anna Nicole’s Progeny, Lawline February 2013.
Bankruptcy Code Section 523(a)(8): The Dischargeability of Student Loans, Lawline October 2012.
Bankruptcy Ethics, Puerto Rican Bar Association October 2012.
Property of the Estate and Exemptions, Puerto Rican Bar Association October 2012.
Examining the Marriage between Bankruptcy & Domestic Relations, Lawline October 2012.
Bankruptcy Court Jurisdiction - One Year After Stern v. Marshall (Part II), Lawline September 2012.
Bankruptcy Court Jurisdiction: One Year after Stern v. Marshall (Part I), Lawline September 2012.
Bankruptcy Sanctions, Lawline September 2012.
Understanding Bankruptcy Code Section 727 (Part II), Lawline August 2012.
Bankruptcy Ethics: Case Studies, Lawline July 2012.
Attorney Retention: Bankruptcy Code Section 327(a) and Federal Rule of Bankruptcy Procedure 2014(a), Lawline July 2012.
Understanding Bankruptcy Code Section 727 (Part I), Lawline July 2012.
Disschargeability of Income Taxes in Bankruptcy Cases, Lawline May 2012.
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Collateral Estoppel and Dischargeability Proceedings Part II, American Bankruptcy Institute Journal August 2002.
Collateral Estoppel and Dischargeability Proceedings Part I, American Bankruptcy Institute Journal May 2002.
The Rooker-Feldman Doctrine and the Automatic Stay, American Bankruptcy Institute Journal February, 2002.
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Gruntz v. County of Los Angeles (In re Gruntz): Part II, American Bankruptcy Institute Journal
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The Consumer Credit Industry, the Consumer Bankruptcy System, Bankruptcy Code Section 707(b) and Justice: A Critical Analysis of the Consumer Bankruptcy System, 103 Comm. L. J. 359 (1998).
Criminal Bad Check Prosecutions, the Younger Abstention Doctrine, Bankruptcy Policy and
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Vexatious Tactics: Judicial Code Section 1927 and Bankruptcy Attorneys-Part II, American Bankruptcy Institute Journal, (October, 1998).
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Judicial Code Section 158(d)-Part Two, American Bankruptcy Institute Journal, (June, 1998).
Judicial Code Section 158(d)-Part One, American Bankruptcy Institute Journal, (April, 1998).
The Myth of Fiduciary Duties in Corporate Reorganization Cases, 75 Notre Dame L. Rev. 385 (1998).
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Cuevas and Green, Commencing a Voluntary Consumer Bankruptcy Case, New York State Bar Association, Fall 1997.
Cuevas & Weiner, Judicial Code Section 959(b) and Its Relationship to the Automatic Stay-Part I, American Bankruptcy Institute Journal, (September, 1997).
Cuevas & Weiner, The Federal Fair Debt Collection Practice Act, Part II, American Bankruptcy Institute Journal, (June, 1997).
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