Speaking Engagements
Cuevas and Corigliano, Introduction to Consumer Bankruptcy: Part 1I, Attorney Credits CLE March 2022.
Cuevas and Corigliano, Introduction to Consumer Bankruptcy: Part 1, Attorney Credits CLE October 2021.
PROMESA and the Puerto Rico Debt Crisis, SOMOS Conference November 2019.
Cuevas and Corigliano, Ethical Pitfalls and Sanctions in Bankruptcy Cases, Attorney Credits CLE March 2019.
Cuevas and Corigliano, Denial of Discharge: Bankruptcy Code Section 727(a), Attorney Credits CLE March 2019.
PROMESA and the Puerto Rico Debt Crisis, SOMOS Conference November 2018.
Puerto Rican Debt Crisis, Center for Puerto Rican Studies, Hunter College, May 2017.
Distressed Real Estate and Bankruptcy: Part V, National Law Institute, March 2016.
Distressed Real Estate and Bankruptcy: Selected Issues, Signature Bank, February 2016.
Bankruptcy Crimes, Lawline, February 2016.
Distressed Real Estate and Bankruptcy: Part IV, National Law Institute, June 2015.
A Lawyer’s Incessant Ethical Journey, Lawline, February 2015.
Distressed Real Estate and Bankruptcy: Part III, National Law Institute, December 2014.
The Automatic Stay: Part II, Lawline, June 2014.
The Automatic Stay: Part I, Lawline, May 2014.
Res Judicata, Collateral Estoppel, and the Rooker/Feldman Doctrine: Part II, Lawline February 2014.
Res Judicata, Collateral Estoppel, and the Rooker/Feldman Doctrine: Part I, Lawline February 2014.
Bankruptcy Code Section 523(a)(4): Part II, Lawline September 2013.
Bankruptcy Code Section 523(a)(4): Part I, Lawline August 2013.
Dischargeability of Debts and Real Estate Bankruptcies, National Law Institute July 2013.
The Trustee’s Avoiding Powers in Real Estate Bankruptcy Cases, National Law Institute July 2013.
Nonresidential Real Estate Leases and Bankruptcy Code Section 365, National Law Institute July 2013.
Miscellaneous Topics in Real Estate Bankruptcy Cases, National Law Institute July 2013.
Bankruptcy Code Section 363 Sales, National Law Institute July 2013.
Selected Regulatory and Environmental Issues in Bankruptcy Real Estate Cases, National Law Institute July 2013.
Bankruptcy Code Section 523(a)(6): Part I, Lawline April 2013.
Bankruptcy Code Section 523(a)(6): Part I, Lawline March 2013.
Bankruptcy Code Section 362(d): Modification of the Automatic Stay in Bankruptcy Real Estate Cases, Marc Israel CLE February 2013.
Bankruptcy Code Section 364(d): Post-Petition Financing in Real Estate Bankruptcy Cases,
Marc Israel CLE February 2013.
Serial Bankruptcy Filers and the Automatic Stay in Real Estate Bankruptcy Cases
Marc Israel CLE February 2013.
Good Faith and Real Estate Chapter 11 Cases, Marc Israel CLE February 2013.
Bankruptcy and Real Estate: The Use of Cash Collateral, Marc Israel CLE February 2013.
Single Asset Real Estate Cases and Chapter 11, Marc Israel CLE February 2013.
Bankruptcy Court Jurisdiction-In re Bellingham, Anna Nicole’s Progeny, Lawline February 2013.
Bankruptcy Code Section 523(a)(8): The Dischargeability of Student Loans, Lawline October 2012.
Bankruptcy Ethics, Puerto Rican Bar Association October 2012.
Property of the Estate and Exemptions, Puerto Rican Bar Association October 2012.
Examining the Marriage between Bankruptcy & Domestic Relations, Lawline October 2012.
Bankruptcy Court Jurisdiction - One Year After Stern v. Marshall (Part II), Lawline September 2012.
Bankruptcy Court Jurisdiction: One Year after Stern v. Marshall (Part I), Lawline September 2012.
Bankruptcy Sanctions, Lawline September 2012.
Understanding Bankruptcy Code Section 727 (Part II), Lawline August 2012.
Bankruptcy Ethics: Case Studies, Lawline July 2012.
Attorney Retention: Bankruptcy Code Section 327(a) and Federal Rule of Bankruptcy Procedure 2014(a), Lawline July 2012.
Understanding Bankruptcy Code Section 727 (Part I), Lawline July 2012.
Disschargeability of Income Taxes in Bankruptcy Cases, Lawline May 2012.
Lorman Educational Services, Bankruptcy, April 2003.
Lorman Educational Services, Bankruptcy, March 2003.
Lorman Educational Services, Bankruptcy, January 2003.
Lorman Educational Services, Bankruptcy, December 2002.
Lorman Educational Services, Bankruptcy, April 2002.
National Association of Bankruptcy Trustees, Bankruptcy Reform, September 2001.
Lorman Educational Services, Bankruptcy, May 2001.
Metropolitan Bar Association, Domestic Relations and Bankruptcy, April 2001.
Rockland County Women’s Bar Association, Domestic Relations and Bankruptcy, March 2001.
Lorman Education Services, New York, New York, Judgment Enforcement in New York, February 2001.
Sullivan County Bar Association, Monticello, New York, Domestic Relations and Bankruptcy
January 2001.
House Judiciary Committee, Washington, D.C., Bankruptcy Code Section 362(b)(4), April 2000.
New York County Lawyers Association, Bankruptcy Committee, March 1999.
New York State Bar Association Consumer Bankruptcy Program, Fall 1997.
Planning Committee Third Annual Northeastern People of Color Legal Scholarship Conference 1997/1998.
National Bankruptcy Review Commission, Detroit, Michigan, Bankruptcy Code Sections 105(a) and 362(b)(4), June, 1997.
Moderator, Corporate Reorganization Continuing Legal Education Program, April 1997.
Moderator, Law Firm Insolvencies, St. John’s University School of Law, April 1997.
Northeast People of Color Legal Conference, March 1997.
Moderator and Speaker, St. John’s University School of Law Consumer Bankruptcy Continuing Legal Education Program, February 1997.
Moderator, Toxic Torts and Bankruptcy, St. John’s University School of Law and United States Trust Company of New York, January, 1997.
New York State Bar Association, Recent Developments in Executory Contracts, January, 1997
Moderator, Small and Medium Reorganization Cases, St. John’s University School of Law
November, 1996
Member of the Planning Committee of the Second Annual Northeastern People of Color Legal Scholarship Conference 1996/1997.
Member of the Planning Committee of the First Annual Northeastern People of Color Legal Scholarship Conference 1995/1996.
Moderator-Domestic Relations and Bankruptcy Law, St. John’s University School of Law.
Speaker 1996 People of Color Legal Scholarship Conference-Teaching Bankruptcy and Corporate Reorganization Law.
The Hispanic National Bar Association-Corporate and Business Practice in the 21st Century (Winter, 1996).
First Annual Mid-Atlantic Conference People of Color Legal Conference at Howard University School of Law (Winter, 1995).
Puerto Rican Bar Association-Personal Bankruptcy (November, 1992).
Puerto Rican Bar Association-An Introduction to Bankruptcy (January, 1992).
Association of Law Librarians of the City of New York-An Introduction to Chapter 11 (Fall, 1991).
Western New England College of Law-Good Faith and Chapter 11 (Fall, 1991).
Brooklyn Law School-Hispanics and the Law (Spring, 1991).
Practising Law Institute-How to do Your First Personal Bankruptcy (Spring, 1991).
American Bar Association Convention, Young Lawyers Division, Debtor-Creditor Section-Adequate Representation in Large and Mega Reorganization Cases (Summer, 1990).